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"Intercomservice" LLC -Technical Translations Agency.
"Intercomservice" LLC -Technical Translations Agency.
url: www.intercomservice.org
fax: 380442514679
phone: 380442514674 (Svetlana)
phone: +380672180156
Голосеевская 7,, 150 , Kyiv
Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
9.00 - 18.00, interruption from 13.00 - 14.00
daily, except for weekends and holidays

Published: 26.10.2012


Intercomservice LLC technical translation center specializes in full written translation of research-and-technology articles,
manuals, requirements, technological processes descriptions, feasibility studies, project documentation, private papers;
arrangement of glossaries in the sphere of IT, communication, biotechnologies, energy sector, electronics, construction
technologies, chemical industry, engineering and motor vehicle industry, metallurgical engineering, medicine and medical
equipment, aviation and space-system engineering, agronomical science, telecommunication, electrical equipment, environmental
protection and environmentally friendly technologies, legal, financial and banking documentation; page proof of diagrams
and drawings in any format from English, German, French and Polish into Russian and Ukrainian languages; replication,
confirmation of the translation trustworthiness with the agency seal, free of charge calculation within thirty minutes;
international economic activity.

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