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ProAudit Consulting group
ProAudit Consulting group
url: proaudit.ua
fax: +380442245743
phone: +380442245743 (Андрєєв Ігор)
Chygorina str. 18, 320 , Kyiv 01042
Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
9.00 - 18.00
daily, except for weekends and holidays

Published: 12.09.2012


Types of audits provided by our company:
         - Tax Audit
         - Statutory audit
         - Thematic audit
         - Audit individual transactions
         - Audit initiated by the company owner
         - Audit of financial statements (IFRS)
         - Consultation on audit
         - Subscriber customer service.

Accounting services from auditing company "PROAUDIT" means itself:
         - A full range of management accounting in the enterprise
         - Assessment of the rationality and legitimacy of accounting policy
         - The study of the workflow process and the organizational structure, up to the optimization of such processes
         - Organization of business
         - Organization of Financial Accounting Enterprise
         - Reporting to stakeholders on the status within the firm
         - Tax advice and support such checks.

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