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5 ELEMENT Wellness-klub
5 ELEMENT Wellness-klub
url: http://www.5el.com.ua/
phone: (044)3517745
Elektrykiv str. 29а , Kyiv 04176
Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0.00 - 0.00
daily, except for weekends and holidays

Published: 19.03.2010


In our Club, special electronic Club Cards are used.

The Club client is the owner of the Personal Club Card, which includes the following services:

- Season tickets;

- One-time services;

- Money movement control over theaccount;

- Payments;

- Service Reservation.

We offer four kinds of Club Cards:

1. SUN CARD«a morning card»

2. STAR CARD«a full card»

3. KIDS CARD «a kid's card»

4. VIP CARD «the gold card»

Annual SUN and STAR Club Cards include:

Indoors training:

- free weights and resistance equipment;

- cardio equipment.

Group training:

- cycling;

- aerobics;

- FreeMotion;

- martial arts;

- boxing;

-aqua aerobics;

- hydrorider;

- kickboxing.

Health training programs:

- Pilates;

- Thai-chi;

- Yoga.


3 summer outdoor, full-size swimming pools;
all-the-year-round outdoor seawater hydromassage swimming pool;

Wellness Zone:
- «Croxen» grotto;
- salt grotto;

- RELAX and ENERGY aroma-grottos;

- Finnish sauna;

- Roman bath.

Kid's club (for children under 3).

Annual VIP Club Card

Our Club assumes a number o

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