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Travel agency "Abask Tour"
Travel agency "Abask Tour"
url: abask.com.ua
fax: (044) 239-21-50
phone: (044) 361-23-97
phone: (098) 378-83-08
phone: (099) 327-04-06
ул. Симона Петлюры 7/9, 34 , Kyiv
Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0.00 - 0.00, interruption from 13.00 - 14.00
daily, except for weekends and holidays

Published: 18.07.2012


Travel agency "Abask Tour" - a company of professionals with years of experience in tourism.
Continuous monitoring of the market and knowledge about "pitfalls" allows us to evaluate the service quality of hotels and give you the best.
This makes it possible to protect customers from corrupt travel, loss of time and deneg.
Agency "Abask Tour" provides the following services:
- Leisure Abroad
- Private Tours
- Group Tours
- Corporate banking
- Customer service vip
- Travel insurance travelers
- Registration of passports
- Booking of air tickets to anywhere in the world
- The provision of mobile services Travel Sim
- Visas

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