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Just Stomatologіya Tale
Just Stomatologіya Tale
url: www.prostokazka.com
phone: (099) 551-17-65 (Просто Сказка)
phone: (097) 945-99-33 (Просто Сказка)
Вокзальная улица 16 , Kyiv
Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
9.00 - 21.00
daily, without weekends

Published: 23.05.2013


Our team - this is a team of professionals who can perform dental procedures in accordance with the standards of modern стоматологии.Стоматологическая clinic has a full set of dental oborudovaniya.No important thing in our clinic - it's a friendly, caring attitude toward people who applied to us for pomoschyu.Takoe phenomenon of dental fear interference disappears from the very first minutes of our klinike.Samootverzhenny creative work, striving for new knowledge, the desire to help everyone in the team, sees his professional dolg.My for ensuring that every patient has found his clinic has found the doctor. If someone liked us - all of you our druzya.Radosti you and good mood!

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