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Professional Association of Registrars and Depositories
Professional Association of Registrars and Depositories
url: www.pard.kiev.ua/
fax: (044) 286 94 21
phone: (044) 286 94 20
Schorsa 32-B, 61 , Kyiv
Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
9.00 - 18.00, interruption from 13.00 - 14.00
daily, except for weekends and holidays

Published: 28.09.2011


PARD (Professional Association of Registrars and Depositories) is the only professional association in the depository activities market in Ukraine. The association, which was founded in 1996, represents the interests of 602 members. PARD is one of the oldest and most numerous self-regulatory organizations in Ukrainian stock market.

This association includes the Legal Committee, the Depository Committee and the Committee on Protection of Personal Information. In addition, PARD manages "The Financial Monitoring" project, creates rating of professional market participants, provides arbitration and works on development of laws and regulations.

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