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Examination of buildings and structures and documentation for orders bureau...
Examination of buildings and structures and documentation for orders bureau KP "Kievblagoustroystvo"
fax: 235-87-95
phone: (044) 289-67-77 (Сергій Володимирович)
Saksaganskogo str. 143 , Kyiv 01032
Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
9.00 - 18.00, interruption from 13.00 - 14.00
daily, except for weekends and holidays

Published: 22.07.2010


Buildings Examination Office KYYIVBLAHOUSTRIY conducts the city buildings and structures surveys to determine a technical condition, compliance, suitability for further service;
- Probable causes of formation damage during operation - technical feasibility converted - possible adoption of the buildings, completed construction and more. Processing of documents for opening and closing orders.

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