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Cash machines(2372)


#5441/0233 branch of the Shevchenkovsky division of Savings Bank  
  Kyiv, Artema str., 10 телефон (044)2720976
Bank, crediting, deposit, financial services.
#5441/0269 branch of the Shevchenkovsky division of Savings Bank  
  Kyiv, Khresсhatyk str., 36 телефон (044)2344085
Bank, crediting, deposit, financial services.
#5441/0327 branch of the Shevchenkovsky division of Savings Bank  
  Kyiv, Polovetska str., 7/13 телефон (044)4897682
Bank, crediting, deposit, financial services.
#5441/0330 branch of the Shevchenkovsky division of Savings Bank  
  Kyiv, Shamryla Tymofiya str., 11 телефон (044)4562417
Bank, crediting, deposit, financial services.
#5441/0333 branch of the Shevchenkovsky division of Savings Bank  
  Kyiv, Lagerna str., 36 телефон (044)4567270
Bank, crediting, deposit, financial services.
#5441/0337 branch of the Shevchenkovsky division of Savings Bank  
  Kyiv, Saksaganskogo str., 131а телефон (044)2894660
Bank, crediting, deposit, financial services.
#5441/0341 branch of the Shevchenkovsky division of Savings Bank   www.oschadnybank.com
  Kyiv, Prorizna str., 3 телефон 2288158
Bank, crediting, deposit, financial services.
#5441/0344 branch of the Shevchenkovsky division of Savings Bank  
  Kyiv, Teligy Oleny str., 35 телефон (044)4401544
Bank, crediting, deposit, financial services.
#5441/0348 branch of the Shevchenkovsky division of Savings Bank  
  Kyiv, Salyutna str., 19 телефон (044)4494992
Bank, crediting, deposit, financial services.
#5441/0352 branch of the Shevchenkovsky division of Savings Bank  
  Kyiv, Yarmoly Viktora str., 4 телефон 0442389975
Bank, crediting, deposit, financial services.


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