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KS: successor to the popular Jiva terminal
url: www.unisystem.ua
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Published: 08.07.2013

KS: successor to the popular Jiva terminal
Thursday, 5 April 2012
Unisystem is offering a new model of fan-free, touch-screen POS terminal called the Posiflex KS-6715, replacing the popular Jiva-5815 terminal.

Although the Posiflex KS-6715 sells in the same price category as the Jiva-5815, it is a superior piece of equipment in several respects. First and foremost, the KS-6715, like all terminals in its series, features fan-free construction. The new device is equipped with a state-of-the-art high-performance 1.6 GHz VIA Nano processor and twice as much RAM (2 GB DDR3; expandable to 4 GB) as the Jiva-5815.

The Posiflex KS-6715 POS terminal comes with a 2.5” 160 GB SATA HHD, with an optional 128 GB SSD kit. Its large number of interface ports allow various peripheral equipment to be connected to the terminal: fiscal printer or receipt printer, magnetic stripe reader, cash drawer, customer display, second monitor, side-mount programmable keypad, Wi-Fi module, and barcode scanner.

Another important feature of the Posiflex KS-6715 is MS DOS compatibility, which is important for stable operation of the touch screen and the magnetic stripe reader.
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