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Unisystem releases add-in GSM/GPRS modem for the MINI-500 cash register
url: www.unisystem.ua
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Published: 08.07.2013

Unisystem releases add-in GSM/GPRS modem for the MINI-500 cash register
Friday, 16 March 2012
The UNS-SM31.01 GSM GSM/GPRS smart modem provides data exchange between a cash register and a business’s accounting software, and can be built into the MINI-500ME.

A cash register equipped with a compact, built-in smart modem has additional capabilities. The cash register may be connected with the business’s accounting system on a preset schedule. The following functions may be performed during a session, which runs in background with no intervention by the cashier:

- programming and updating of the merchandise database in the cash register;
- changes in prices, names, and inventory numbers in the cash register, for each product;
- taking an itemized receipt report from the cash register and transmission of it to the business’s accounting software.

The UNS-SM31.01 GSM modem is equipped with 2 MB of flash memory for data storage, a high-performance processor, and a built-in GSM/GPRS module for voice and data reception and transmission. Data exchange occurs over 850/900/1800/1900 MHz GSM networks, enabling the device to be used anywhere in Ukraine, as well as outside the country.

The MINI-500ME cash register with a built-in UNS-SM31.01 GSM smart modem can operate as part of a UNIDEX remote control system for electronic cash registers.
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